Health Scene Magazine

Prioritizing Women's Healthcare
From the Desk of Dr. William J. Roth

Watson Clinic has long recognized the stumbling blocks women may experience when seeking out the care they need. It might be the challenge of fitting it into their busy schedules as they work and care for others, a feeling that they’re not truly being heard by their provider, or a perceived lack of access to the services they require.

That’s why we’ve remained fully committed to providing diversity, access, and convenience of care to women across our community. Our compassionate and attentive care teams possess expertise in Obstetrics & Gynecology, breast health, cancer treatment, and other departments devoted to female-specific health matters. They offer the latest detection and treatment technologies, and extended appointment availability from convenient locations close to home.

Of course, most of the leading causes of death among women are not unique to their gender, and they include conditions like heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, lower respiratory diseases and Alzheimer’s disease. Our specialists in cardiology, oncology, pulmonary, neurology, and other departments are sensitive to the oftentimes unique concerns of women in these areas of medicine as well.

Case in point: In 2007, a team led by Watson Clinic Cardiologist Dr. John G. Canto discovered the range of symptom discrepancies between men and women who experience a heart attack. Unlike men, women were more likely to report pain in the neck, jaw, and middle or upper back, shortness of breath, nausea, cough, dizziness and indigestion among other symptoms. Dr. Canto’s study made international headlines and, in the process, empowered physician’s offices and emergency rooms to become more aware of which signs to watch out for when treating their female patients.

Women’s health takes center stage throughout this issue of Health Scene. We hope the information contained in these pages inspires women in our community to seek the preventive and chronic care services that can dramatically improve their quality of life.

Yours in good health,

William J. Roth, MD, PhD
Watson Clinic Managing Partner

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