Clinic News

Watson Clinic Updated Notice of Data Security Incident


Watson Clinic is providing this updated notice of an incident involving potential unauthorized access to some individuals’ information. Earlier this year, we detected a cybersecurity incident involving unauthorized activity in portions of our network. We promptly began investigating and responding to that incident, including posting notice of the incident on our website. With our investigation now complete, we have new information to share, and are providing this notice to give more information about what happened and what we are doing in response.

An unauthorized third party gained access to a limited portion of our network starting on January 26, 2024, and we discovered the intrusion on February 6, 2024. We promptly began investigating, engaged third-party cybersecurity experts through outside counsel, and started remediation efforts, including identifying the potentially affected files and engaging a data-review firm to analyze their contents. We received those results in July 2024 and have been working since that time to compile contact information for notifying impacted individuals.

With the exception of files containing details about one individual, who we previously notified, we have not been able to confirm whether the unauthorized third party actually viewed or acquired the files containing personal information or protected health information. But, because the unauthorized third party potentially accessed those files, we are providing this notice out of an abundance of caution.

We determined that the unauthorized third party potentially accessed personal information and protected health information, such as individuals’ names, and one or more of the following, depending on the individual: addresses, birthdates, Social Security numbers or similar government identifiers, driver’s license numbers, and financial account information. The unauthorized third party also potentially accessed limited medical information, which may include details such as diagnoses, treatments, or medical record numbers.

Protecting the integrity of the information we maintain is a responsibility we take very seriously. We hired third-party experts to help us perform an investigation into the unauthorized activity and further secure our systems and the information we maintain as we move forward. We previously shared details of this incident on our website, and we are now posting this updated notice and mailing notice to potentially affected individuals as required by law.

We currently have no evidence that the unauthorized third party has fraudulently used any information involved in this incident. Nonetheless, we encourage individuals to (1) remain vigilant for unauthorized financial activity by reviewing their account statements and free credit reports, (2) consider placing a fraud alert or security freeze on their credit file (which individuals can do for free), (3) report any suspicious activity to law enforcement, and (4) review any letter they received from us regarding this incident.

Should you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us at, and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you.

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