Interventional/Vascular Imaging
Our radiologists are Fellowship trained in interventional radiology and Neuroradiology.
Endovascular work, both diagnostic and interventional, is offered at Lakeland Regional Hospital (LRH). Diagnostic vascular work is only offered at Watson Clinic Main.
Venous ablation therapy is performed at Watson Clinic Main at Dr. Rab’s Office.
Thyroid biopsy, superficial soft tissue biopsy, fluid collection/abscess drainage, major joint aspirations, PICC line placement, and joint arthrogram are offered at Watson Clinic Main, while other biopsies such as lung and abdomen are performed at LRH and Bartow Regional Medical Center.
Paracentesis/ Thoracentesis are performed at Watson Clinic Locations; uterine embolization and drainage procedures are performed at LRH.
Lumbar punctures / Myelogram can be performed as either outpatient at Watson Clinic locations or at LRH. Vascular imaging is performed predominantly by radiology and includes Peripheral arterial testing, Vascular sonography, MRA, and CTA of head, neck, abdomen and extremities.
Endovascular therapy includes carotid stent, cerebral thrombolysis, endovascular repair for abdominal aortic aneurysm, renal artery stenting, peripheral vascular PTA and stenting, TIP, venous access, revascularization dialysis access graft, venous and arterial thrombolysis. These services are provided at LRH.
Vascular Ultrasound- We offer numerous vascular exams at most locations. Aorta U/S (Medicare screening and routine), Arterial Doppler (upper and lower extremities), Venous Doppler (upper and lower extremities), Venous mapping, Venous reflux testing, Carotid artery Doppler, Dialysis Access Pre-operative evaluation, Fistula post-operative follow-up, Renal and liver deep abdominal Doppler, Peripheral Vascular Studies (PVS).
Contact person: Tischa Hancock RDMS, RVT, Supervisor of Ultrasound
Phone: 863-680-7758
Scheduling: 863-680-7755, option 2
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