May, 2021
A migraine can make it next to impossible to work, manage household responsibilities or do just about anything else. That's something you may know all too well if you've recently started getting these severe headaches. Here's what else you should know: Migraines are manageable, and a variety of options are available today to treat them. Get it checked out If you haven't done so yet, your first step should be to see your doctor. They can usually tell if you're having migraines based on your sympt...
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5/24/2021 3:09:00 PM
We all crave comfort food from time to time. And while there is nothing wrong with an occasional trip to the drive-thru or a couple of cookies, frequent cravings for unhealthy snacks can lead to overeating. Here are some tips on how to recognize why you're craving that sweet or salty treat, and how to kick those cravings in the future. Understand your cravings. Many of us crave unhealthy foods when we are feeling stressed, anxious or depressed. This is called emotional eating. It can be hard to ...
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5/24/2021 2:57:00 PM
Like many women, you might consider breast cancer your top health concern. But you may not realize there's an even bigger risk to your health: heart disease. It's the leading killer of both men and women, and it's surprisingly common. Heart disease strikes nearly 1 in 3 women during their lifetime, compared to 1 in 8 women who will get breast cancer. Some things can make you more likely than the average person to get heart disease, which sets the stage for heart attacks. For instance, your risk ...
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5/12/2021 10:05:00 AM
With the COVID-19 pandemic going on, you want to keep your hands as germ-free as possible. But if you regularly reach for hand sanitizer, it pays to know a few key facts. Start with this one: Washing your hands with soap and running water for 20 seconds is typically the best way to clean your hands. If you can't get to soap and water, a hand sanitizer can be a good choice. Even so, you have to use the right product—in the right way—to get the most out of it. Here are some good-to-kno...
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5/5/2021 12:59:00 PM