Mental Health
With the new year comes new possibilities. But just because people are celebrating doesn't necessarily mean that everyone is full of cheer. Many people feel stressed, sad and lonely this time of year. Many people find that grief and loss hit harder during the holidays. And those living with anxiety and depression may find it harder to manage their conditions. Practice self-care The following tools can help if you need to prioritize your mental well-being in the new year. Take good care of yourse...
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12/26/2024 2:51:00 PM
With all the preparations, socializing and activities, seasonal stress can produce strong emotions. This holiday season, give yourself the gift of being merrier by reducing your stress. Are you quick to anger, feel agitated, have tight muscles or rapid breathing, or do you get overly emotional? Choose calming activities like focused breathing, listening to calming music, getting outside, or doing stretches or yoga. Do you withdraw or feel depressed? Try stimulating physical activities like brisk...
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11/20/2024 11:05:00 AM
Mental health is an essential part of overall health. And it doesn't become less important with age. In fact, good mental health can help older adults live independently and improve their quality of life. Signs of mental health issues When a person's mental health is suffering, they may express it in many ways. Some of the most common symptoms in older adults include: • Noticeable mood changes, such as anger, anxiety, irritability or sadness. • Sleeping too much or too little. •...
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12/28/2023 10:30:00 AM
Expecting a baby? You may be feeling happy, nervous and excited. Pregnancy can come with many feelings, including feeling anxious and overwhelmed. After giving birth, many new moms experience tiredness, worry and sadness, also known as baby blues. These feelings usually go away on their own. For some women, these feelings can become severe and interfere with their daily lives. This is known as postpartum depression. Postpartum depression occurs in 1 out of 8 women and can happen to anyone. Women...
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12/28/2023 10:26:00 AM
Many Americans are affected by mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety. Your health care provider will help you make a treatment plan. You can also take these wellness steps. They can help you gain a sense of control and might help your treatment succeed. Exercise your options. Regular physical activity can have a mood-boosting effect by increasing levels of endorphins, which are feel-good brain chemicals. For maximum mental health benefits, seek out activities you enjoy, even if...
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10/16/2023 12:31:00 PM
Stress can harm your physical and emotional health. That's why it's important to know the signs that stress is affecting you—and how to cope. When you face a problem or threat, your body releases stress hormones. They make your heart beat faster and increase your blood sugar and blood pressure to help you react quickly in an emergency. Everyone experiences stress at times. But long-term stress can lead to health problems. Long-term stress might be caused by: • Daily pressures, such a...
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4/19/2023 2:19:00 PM
If your child has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder ADHD , you want to do everything you can to help your child focus and get along well with friends and family. Medicine is available for children 3 years of age and older, but there are other things you can try too. These six strategies may also help manage ADHD symptoms and prevent them from getting worse. Stick to a schedule. Try to follow the same daily routine, including times for waking up, going to bed, doing homework and playing. P...
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9/20/2022 1:26:00 PM
Does stress ever get the best of you? We all tend to feel frazzled some days. Since too much stress can be hard on the body and mind, it's important to find ways to cope. One way that can help: practicing mindfulness. Simply put, mindfulness involves being present in the moment and conscious of your sensations, thoughts and feelings, according to the American Psychological Association. Mindfulness may help counter stress by helping us achieve a state of relaxation, in which the mind and body are...
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5/23/2022 12:18:00 PM
We've all experienced stress. Whether it's on the night before a big test or in traffic on the way to the airport, stress is a normal part of the human experience. But too much stress can be a serious problem.
Here are three things you should know about stress, including how to cope when you're feeling overwhelmed.
1. Stress sometimes serves a needed purpose.
Stress isn't just some inconvenient feeling—it can help keep us alive and help us thrive.
Our stress response aka our ...
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11/12/2021 9:39:00 AM
Is a problem in your life dragging you down? Is it making it hard to function, feel in control or be happy? Emotional troubles like this are more common than you suspect—by some estimates, in any given year 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. struggle with a mental health problem like depression, severe anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. If you are struggling, a mental health professional can help you feel like yourself again. Using talk therapy and possibly medication, this professional can...
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10/7/2021 10:07:00 AM
The struggles of the pandemic have left many people feeling down, impatient or angry. But with the availability of multiple vaccines, there’s finally reason to hope. That's an example of positive self-talk. It's a way to break out of a cycle of negative thoughts. It's OK to acknowledge painful, frustrating or sad feelings. But getting stuck there can make it harder to cope, according to the National Center for PTSD. Instead, when you have negative thoughts or feelings, practice reframing t...
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6/29/2021 2:26:00 PM
Living with the fear and restrictions of COVID-19 is enough to bring anyone down, but teens may be especially affected. They may be missing friends as well as major events like prom, sports or graduation. It's normal for your teen to feel sad during these times. But how can you tell if they need a little extra emotional support? The American Academy of Pediatrics AAP suggests you look for these signs that your teen is struggling: • Unusual changes in mood or behavior. Is your teen irritabl...
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2/3/2021 2:50:00 PM
When you're emotionally and mentally healthy, you feel good about yourself. You have good relationships. You're aware of your emotions and know how to deal with them. You can cope with stress, anger and sadness. And you're not afraid to get help from a medical professional when you need it. Here are five tips for improving your emotional health: 1. Accentuate the positive. Try to keep negative emotions and thoughts to a minimum. Focus on what's good in your life—and what's good about you. ...
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12/18/2020 10:47:00 AM
You're preoccupied and having difficulty focusing. Your sleep isn't great, and you aren't eating as well as you know you should. You may be stressed out by COVID-19. It's not unusual to be anxious during a disease outbreak—especially a pandemic like this one. But chronic stress isn't good for your body or mind. It might be time to take some steps to ease the pressure on yourself. How do you know if your mental health is suffering during this outbreak? You may be feeling stressed if you're ...
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8/14/2020 2:06:00 PM
Who hasn't felt their temper rise in a traffic jam or their blood boil in a heated argument? We all get angry—a normal, often healthy reaction. But if you find yourself blowing up all the time, it may be time to assess your anger meter and whether you have a short fuse. Too much anger can be bad for you. It can harm everything from your relationships to your health and happiness. Managing anger, on the other hand, has plenty of benefits. Here are a few strategies experts suggest, incl...
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8/29/2018 11:44:00 AM
We all worry. We worry about our finances. We worry about our children. We worry about the weird noise our car started making yesterday. It's normal to worry from time to time. But how can you tell if you're worrying excessively? However, an inability to turn off your worrying could have a severe impact on your overall state of mental health. In turn, this can lead to a series of chronic conditions that can further endanger your health. Here are some steps you can take to get your excessive worr...
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4/25/2018 11:25:00 AM