Reframing Negative Feelings

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


The struggles of the pandemic have left many people feeling down, impatient or angry.

But with the availability of multiple vaccines, there’s finally reason to hope.

That's an example of positive self-talk. It's a way to break out of a cycle of negative thoughts. It's OK to acknowledge painful, frustrating or sad feelings. But getting stuck there can make it harder to cope, according to the National Center for PTSD. Instead, when you have negative thoughts or feelings, practice reframing them into positive ones.

Here are a few more examples:

If you think this: I worry about how dangerous this world can be.

Try this: The world can be a dangerous place. But there are plenty of things I can do to protect myself. And most of the time I am safe.

If you think this: Having to wear a mask makes me angry.

Try this: We won't have to wear masks forever. When I put it on, I'm showing how much I care about other people's safety.

If you think this: I'm afraid all the time of getting COVID-19.

Try this: I am doing the best I can to keep myself and my family safe.

If you think this: I feel like things will never be the same again, and that makes me sad.

Try this: This won't last forever. Some things may be different, but I can learn and grow from change.

If you think this: I feel like everything is out of control.

Try this: More things are under my control than are not. I'll focus on those instead of what I can't change.

If you think this: I am not coping with this as well as I should be.

Try this: Most people are struggling to cope right now. I'm doing the best that I can.

If you think this: I feel guilty about my choices.

Try this: Everybody makes mistakes. I feel bad about it because I care. I can learn from this and do better from now on.

If you think this: All of this is unfair, and I want to blame someone.

Try this: Life is often unfair. But I need to put my energy into making things better for myself and my family right now.

It's OK to reach out for help

We all need help sometimes. Watson Clinic’s Psychiatry department can help you restore a sense of balance and wellbeing to your daily life. To schedule an appointment, call 863-680-7385 (PsychiatryMain Clinic) or 863-607-3689 (PsychiatryHighlands).


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