More merry, less stress

Wednesday, November 20, 2024
With all the preparations, socializing and activities, seasonal stress can produce strong emotions. This holiday season, give yourself the gift of being merrier by reducing your stress.
Are you quick to anger, feel agitated, have tight muscles or rapid breathing, or do you get overly emotional? Choose calming activities like focused breathing, listening to calming music, getting outside, or doing stretches or yoga.
Do you withdraw or feel depressed? Try stimulating physical activities like brisk walking, running or dancing.
Do you feel immobile under stress? Reboot your nervous system. Stand up, walk around or do more vigorous exercise.
Tap into your senses
Try these tips to restore calmness, focus and alertness throughout the season.
• Hearing: Put on upbeat music and sing along or even dance. Listen to the sounds of nature outside or on a recording.
• Sight: Look at a cherished photo. Take a walk around your yard, a park or other natural space. Can't go anywhere? Close your eyes and picture a place that feels peaceful and rejuvenating.
• Smell: Light a scented candle or incense or use your favorite cologne, perfume or essential oils. Get outside and breathe in clean, fresh air.
• Touch: Pet a dog or cat; wrap yourself in a warm blanket; give yourself a massage on your neck or hands; or wear soft, cozy clothing.
Treat yourself right. Eat healthy foods, exercise regularly and do a periodic stress check-in.
Give yourself downtime. Avoid accepting every invitation and hanging out with people who might make you tense.
Avoid for-sure stress. Stay away from hot-button topics like religion, politics or other subjects that rev you (or others) up.
Reduce your to-do list. Be realistic and cut out the "shoulds." Instead, focus on the "musts."
Don't forget to play. Give yourself permission to indulge in the season's joys.
Want to better handle stress any time of the year? We're here to help. Schedule an appointment with a member of Watson Clinic's Psychiatry department by calling 863-680-7385 (Main) or 863-607-7522 (Highlands).

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