August, 2017
Every year more than 160,000 men in the U.S. are diagnosed with prostate cancer. For those whose disease is caught early, that diagnosis may come with a decision: Should the disease be treated right now, or is it safe to monitor it and treat it only if it starts to grow? The latter approach is called active surveillance . It's based on the fact that prostate cancer often grows slowly. So immediate treatment may not always be necessary. Men who choose active surveillance typically see their docto...
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8/11/2017 2:48:00 PM
Ask a woman to name a sign or symptom of breast cancer, and chances are she'd say a lump in the breast. She'd be right, of course. A new lump or mass is the most common symptom of breast cancer, but it's not the only one. And because it's best to find breast cancer early, it's important to know all the possible signs and symptoms of the disease. Being familiar with how your breasts look and feel is a key component of breast health. If you notice any of the following signs or symptoms in a breast...
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8/11/2017 2:47:00 PM
Fat has quite the reputation as a dietary supervillain, but there's more to fat than that. A little dietary fat is essential for good health. In addition, some types of fat in modest amounts may even help protect your health. Other fats, however, may harm your health if you eat them too much. Here's a closer look at these bad and good fats. The bad guys: Saturated and trans fats These two fats raise LDL blood cholesterol—and with it your risk of heart disease and stroke: Saturated fat. Thi...
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8/11/2017 2:45:00 PM