Studies show that some fairly simple habits can help you be more upbeat and happier overall. Here are three key ones:
1.Practice being grateful.
How to do it: Make it a point to regularly count your blessings—large and small, from a friend who helped you during a difficult time to the food on your table every night. Also:
• Pick up a pen. Write down the good things that happen to you in a gratitude journal. It's a powerful happiness booster.
• Find the silver lining. There's often something positive hiding in negative situations. Ask yourself: Have I grown? Did I discover new strengths?
2.Connect with others.
How to do it: Nurture your relationships by spending quality time with people you care about. Loving friends and family are a huge source of happiness in our lives. Also:
• Offer sincere praise. Think of the things you admire about the people closest to you—and tell them. You'll spread happiness and appreciate your relationships even more.
• Surround yourself with happy people. Good moods are contagious. So make an effort to seek out content folks.
3.Help others and live a life of meaning.
How to do it: Volunteer for an organization you believe in. People who help those in need and give back to their communities tend to be happier than those who stay on the sidelines. Also:
• Look for ways to be more giving. This can be as simple as letting somebody else get that close parking space or smiling at a co-worker who's having a rough day.
• Play to your strengths. The happiest people build their lives around activities that allow them to use their strengths—whether that's a talent like singing or a love of learning—for the greater good.
Sources: Help Guide; Mental Health America