Finding meaning and joy as we age

Friday, August 21, 2020

If there’s one guarantee in life, it’s this: change is inevitable. This reality becomes more obvious as we get older.

Careers end in retirement. Kids move out of the house. Loved ones and close friends may pass away. We may endure our own health struggles as we advance in years.

Change has its fair share of challenges, but it can also present opportunities to evolve, grow and find new avenues of happiness.

Focus on the things that give you pleasure. Indulge in family, hobbies or other activities that make you happy.

Never stop learning. Did you ever want to take up woodworking, gourmet cooking or painting? Whether it's a new hobby, a different language or a new skill, the expansion of your horizons makes life interesting.

Stay connected. Charitable involvement and open communications often inspire a happier, healthier disposition. During this time of social distancing, stay in touch with your family members and social circles by engaging through frequent phone calls, FaceTime or other technologies.

Embrace nature. Take a hike. Pitch a tent. Fish a mountain stream. Pause and reflect on a songbird's melody or the awe-inspiring glow of a rising sun.

Don’t stop moving. Exercise is a magical remedy – both physically and mentally.

Sources:; National Institute on Aging


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