Diabetes is a demanding disease—living with it isn't always easy. You may have a lot on your plate every day and a lot on your mind sometimes.
Checking blood sugar, taking medication, watching what you eat and other diabetes-related tasks can sap your energy. Worry and frustration over things like glucose numbers or complications may take an emotional toll. All of the stress, strain and fatigue that comes with managing the disease may sometimes lead to what's often called diabetes distress or burnout.
Of course, everyone with diabetes has a bad day now and then, but burnout is overwhelming. If you have it, it may put your health at risk. You might start skipping blood sugar checks or medicines. And you may question the usefulness of even following your diabetes routine.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by diabetes, it's essential to get help and to take steps to feel better. Here are some suggestions from the American Association of Diabetes Educators:
Speak up. Tell your doctor, nurse or diabetes educator how you're feeling. They can help determine if you have diabetes distress or burnout—perhaps by having you fill out a diabetes distress assessment. And they can help you pinpoint its causes and offer ways for you to cope.
Seek support. It may help to talk to someone else who has diabetes or to a counselor. Or you might consider joining a diabetes support group.
Accept imperfections. No one is perfect 100 percent of the time when it comes to managing diabetes. It's helpful to remind yourself of that.
Ask others not to judge you. Your friends and family love you and want you to be healthy. If you feel like they're putting too much pressure on you about taking care of your diabetes, suggest other ways they can help.
Watson Clinic’s Diabetes Education department offers the information, skills and support you need to become confident in your daily management of diabetes.
Topics include blood sugar and glucose monitoring, physical activity, meal planning, medication injection training, stress management, insulin pump support and much more.
· Individual classes offered at both Watson Clinic Main and Bartow locations
· Group classes offered at Watson Clinic Main
· Classes led by certified diabetes educators
· Recognized by the American Diabetes Association
Awareness is the key to managing your disease. If you’re one of the more than 30 million Americans who have been diagnosed with either Type 1, Type 2 or Pre-Diabetes, beginning your education as early as possible will limit your risk of complications and enhance your quality of life.
These classes require a referral from a Watson Clinic physician.