Get help for hearing loss

Friday, March 28, 2025
Hearing loss isn't just frustrating. It can take a toll on your well-being, affecting everything from your physical safety to your mental health.
You're far from alone if you think your hearing has gotten worse over the years. Hearing loss often develops from a lifetime of exposure to loud noises. It can also run in families.

Sometimes a hearing problem may be related to a medical condition or an ear infection or medication that damages the ear.

Even something as simple as too much earwax can make it hard to hear well.

Hearing better and restoring your quality of life starts with recognizing a hearing problem. Signs may include:

• Having trouble hearing when there's background noise or more than one person talking.
• Often asking people to repeat themselves.
• Having to turn the TV up louder than other people.
• Having trouble hearing over the telephone.
• Having trouble hearing high-pitched sounds, like children's voices.

To confirm if you have a hearing problem, your provider may refer you to a hearing care specialist.

The good news? Many hearing problems can be improved with hearing aids, which make sounds louder. Hearing aids come in many different styles, and they're much smaller than they used to be. An audiologist can help you find the right fit.

People with very severe hearing loss may benefit from a hearing implant. These devices, which work differently than hearing aids, have an external part that sits behind the ear and another part that is surgically placed under the skin.

Get Checked

The licensed audiologists at the Watson Clinic Hearing Center specialize in adult, pediatric and newborn evaluations, and the treatment of hearing loss, tinnitus and balance disorders. The Center also offers a full range of the latest digital hearing aid technology, as well as fitting and repair services.

To schedule an appointment with the Watson Clinic Hearing Center at either the Watson Clinic Bella Vista Building or Watson Clinic Highlands, call 863-904-6296 or visit for more information.
Sources: American Academy of Audiology; American Speech-Language Hearing Association; National Institute on Aging; U.S. Food and Drug Administration

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