It's never too late to quit smoking

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sometimes you run out of time to do things, but it's never too late to put the "ex" in front of smoker. No matter how old you are, quitting smoking has big benefits, some of which happen almost instantly:

• Within 20 minutes of parting with tobacco, your heart and blood pressure drop.

• In 12 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops back to normal.

• In as few as two weeks, your lungs work better and your circulation improves.

You'll also reduce your risk of infections like colds, the flu, bronchitis and pneumonia. And you'll have more energy and feel healthier.

So don't put off quitting any more. Tell your doctor you want to quit—and ask for help. You can also attend one of the Watson Clinic Foundation’s monthly Tools to Quit classes, which are held in the boardroom of our Cancer & Research Center. Locate the next class under the Lecture & Special Events header in this issue or online at

Sources: American Cancer Society; National Institute on Aging


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