Watson Clinic Medical Provider Name Changes

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Two Watson Clinic medical providers have recently undergone name changes. Please make note of these changes if scheduling an appointment with either of them.
Brooke Bambridge, APRN, a registered nurse practitioner who works with board-certified OB-GYN specialist Dr. Samantha Curtis from our Watson Clinic Bella Vista Building location, has changed her name to Brooke Chang, APRN. Appointments may be scheduled by calling 863-680-7243 or online at WatsonClinic.com/BrookeChang.
Makenzie Gordon, PA, a physician assistant who works alongside board-certified Cardiology specialists Dr. Mark H. Mines and Dr. Zia Rab from Watson Clinic Main, has changed her name to Makenzie Mabe, PA. Appointments may be scheduled by calling 863-680-7490 or online at WatsonClinic.com/Mabe.


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