Broccoli Stalks Are a Tasty Treat

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Of all the perfectly edible foods that routinely get tossed in the trash, broccoli stalks would probably rank near the top. Most of us throw them out without a parting glance.

And that's a shame.

The stalks we spurn are as flavorful as the florets we routinely eat. Broccoli stalks are also an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps fight infections, and folate, which may protect against both cancer and heart disease. Plus broccoli stalks are packed with fiber, which can help you feel full.

Not sure how to prepare broccoli stalks or how to eat them?

Start with trimming their ends and peeling their outer layer. Then you can:

• Cube them and add them to your favorite soups and casseroles for a nutritional boost.

• Slice them in strips or an angle and toss them into stir-fries as a less expensive alternative to bamboo shoots.

• Cut them into sticks (like carrot sticks) and dip them in a low-fat ranch-style dressing.

• Grate them, and put them in coleslaw. They can be an addition to—or a substitute for—cabbage.

A final tip: When buying broccoli, look for firm, dark green florets, and avoid thick, tough stems.

Sources: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; American Institute for Cancer Research; Produce for Better Health Foundation


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